Refund Policy

Upon the official confirmation of your payment for the evaluation plan, you will receive an email containing the login details required to access your evaluation. Once this information has been dispatched, refunds will not be granted.

In exceptional cases, if you inform us early and no trades are executed on the account within the initial 14 days, we may consider collaborating with you to facilitate a refund. For assistance in such instances, please contact our live support.

It’s essential to recognize that refunds are subject to evaluation on a case-by-case basis, and there is no assurance of refunds after the purchase.


Dispute Policy

As stipulated in the Terms of Service agreement, traders commit to refraining from initiating chargebacks post any activity on their behalf, be it during the challenge stage or funded stage. This acknowledgment encompasses all inherent risks associated with the program. Any bank disputes subsequent to service utilization will be redirected to collections.


Refunds After Successful Completion Of the Evaluation

Refunds for the challenge fee in our 1-Step program are not provided. Traders are rewarded solely based on their performance during the funded stage, considering the permission for High-Frequency Trading (HFT) to progress through the challenge stage.


Acceptance of This Policy

It is incumbent upon you to acquaint yourself with this refund policy. By placing an order for any of our challenges, you assert that you have perused and agree to the terms delineated in this refund policy.